Life Coaching; for Solutions to resolve of your circumstance or adversity
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Life Coach
Plan for Life Strategies 
Through a belief, that each human being is connected to; 
God, Spirit, a Divine Presence (Jesus Christ). 

Form a Prayer group
Ephesians 6 reminds us how important prayer is to God's program: "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against... powers... of wickedness in the heavenly places. ... With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints, and (pray) on my behalf...
Prayer Team Ground Rules 
Start small. Ask God to lead you to the right person(s). If you are planning to pray privately and in person, use your Holy Spirit: men should pray with men, women with women. 
Find people who love others. 
Choose those who have a positive interest in the ministry. 
Choose people who keep confidences. 
You will want a prayer team that communicates quickly and easily. Therefore, find an efficient way to communicate. 
I am part of a prayer team whose members are scattered all over the country. Once a year, we get together in person. Otherwise, we communicate via email. It works for us, but it is better if everyone can physically meet. 
Keep track of your requests and answers. It builds faith and teaches persistence and praise. 
When you meet, take time for members to confess their sins and be prayed for healing before lifting burdens. 
Practice listening in prayer as much as talking to God. He still speaks. 

Business Plan
1. Form a prayer warrior decision maker group, as a couple or healing group for mind, body, and soul.
2. Corporations find this method most effective when dealing with issues dealing with senior executives. Pray and brain storm, ask God to join.

Love can what?
Love can put a handle on anything so you grab hold of it.
Sum Total
   You are the sum total of all the people you have met and lived with in some way or another and the circumstance you experienced in that transition of time. Also you are the result of the family curses handed down. Learn to break the curse.
   Let me ask you a question, are you just existing in life the taking whatever comes your way? If you are a Christian I challenge you to take a hard look at your life and ask, am I just playing at being a disciple of Jesus or am I all I can be in Christ as I grow in Him..? 
    Another question to ask your self about sin and forgiveness. Have I forgiven everyone and everything in my life that hurt me or angered me in such a way It lives in me? Take a hard look and study this scripture; Mat 6:14  For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: 15  But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. I know I just looked at not long ago in a new light, a revelation. Notice it says trespasses, more than one. So, if I don‘t forgive just one sin against me or hurt, I believe He is telling me He will not forgive any of my sins. I was thinking more on one on one sin. That takes on a whole new meaning to me. It sounds like to me if you have an un-forgiven sin or pain the changed your life in a negative way, God is not going to forgive any of your sins or trespasses. Now I am sure there are a lot of theologians out there will get on the soap box and try to disprove this. Yet, for me it is real. Can you imagine a life having to live amongst it‘s own sin. Wondering why nothing ever works out. Boy that made me take a hard look into my past and sit down and have a heart to heart with my Holy Spirit. Another question came to me, do you realize that when you go to heaven you only take the righteousness part of you, for anything that is not righteous, that is the flesh part of you, and it will be left behind. You are born of flesh and then you find Christ and are reborn and given a new nature. Yet you still have the flesh, the old body, the old mind. Now it is time for school all over again. You have to retrain it, bit by bit. Lesson by lesson. Circumstance by circumstance. Adversity by adversity. Also you train it to love, by each time you give love to another in someway shape or form. By doing what God wants you do and you produce fruit, you make a deposit in your Heavenly retirement program is how I like to put it. You put another jewel in your crown is how the word puts it. That is why God tells us to love one another. I don‘t know about you, I don‘t want to show up in Heaven and be only a half of a man. Just because I think or feel that I need to hold on to some worldliness of the flesh. Change me Lord and use me. May I gain a new perspective today and each day of my life. Grant me the wisdom of Solomon. 
    So how much is your some total of goodness ???   One quarter of you, a half, just how much of you will go to be with Jesus if He came today. We know not the hour, yet He tells us to look for the signs. I can see many and wonder if it is near. I ponder these verses. .Gal 5:16  This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. 17  For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would. 18  But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law. 
Gal 5:22  But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, 23  Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. 
Gal 5:24  And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. 
I love the way the translation God’s Word puts it. GW Gal 5:24  Those who belong to Christ Jesus, have crucified their corrupt nature along with its passions and desires. I think this is telling us if we still do not have the desire to retrain the old man, then you have not receive what you suppose to get in baptism. Ask for your Holy Spirit and new nature… it doesn’t hurt to rededicate one self, it just gives you confidence that you are… LOL  The natural life of a man is not sin, it is his thinking that takes him there. That is where the new nature comes in. The more you read and hear the word of God, the more armor you have against the world that does it’s best to eat your flesh, satan wants to consume us in his thinking, he wants to drag us down with him. Old Lucifer knows he is defeated, he wants as many as he can drag with he wants to do that as much as you want not to. So this is the battle field your new nature and your flesh man. Which is in your mind. We all would not debate what was evil, yet we will debate what is righteous…Hmmmm what is wrong with this picture. The higher up on the moral scale of your life the more intense the opposition to Jesus Christ. Yet, the stronger your faith muscle is the more you can handle. Remember Jesus said the cost of your soul is not just one or two things, it is alllll of the old, the all of the flesh. You must deny yourself…. Mt. 16:24 What I have found is that old adage everyone likes to quote that God helps them who helps themselves is a bunch of malarky, bull, dung. A lie straight from hell. What it is, one has to give up every right he thinks he has and place them at the feet of Jesus. Then depend on Him literally for everything. Then He will open doors or bring situations and opportunities that you normally  would not have. I have had people come up to me ask if they can bless me with cash or something that I needed and did not even ask for. 
   The natural life is not spiritual it can only be made spiritual through sacrifice. If we never purposely do this, The supernatural will never become natural to us. My friends there is no easy way. Each has what it takes to do this, the trick is tricking the old self into it or be accountable, or taking authority over yourself and put it a the feet of Jesus, then leaving it there. That is hard part leaving it there. It is not so much a question of praying it is sacrificing and being obedient to God‘s will, His word. 

Prayer N Solutions
Love, marriage, family
Controling satan and adversity